Innovation for Equality
Women working in public sectors have long been confronting unique challenges, including gender bias, limited representation in leadership roles, and…
Dr. Syed Muntasir Mamun delves into the realms of digital divide, determined to shed light on attributes to resolve it together with the future generation. He…
The word “Giving” embodies different meanings for different individuals. But mostly, It transcends material value, encompassing compassion, empathy, and a…
Communication is often considered fundamental to the existence and survival of humans. But what happens when someone cannot communicate effectively?…
Abul Kalam Azad illuminates the path of innovation in public service delivery in his TEDx Talk. He showcases real-world transformations, proving that innovation…
Ankita Bakshi’s talk is a revelation in the world of storytelling and innovation. With a decade of experience in the field, she passionately conveys the transformat…
Formal education equips women with the tools to navigate various fields, break barriers, and pursue careers that align with their aspirations. Dr. Rubana…
Abeer Rajbeen is a passionate storyteller, who ceaselessly explores the uncharted roots of Bengali music, the origin and evolution of each and every…
Moutushi Kabir weaves together three poignant stories that traverse the harsh realities faced by girls in Nepal, Uganda, and Bangladesh. From a young girl dreaming…
Kebria Sarkar unwraps a pile of stories he has gathered over the years of hundreds of individuals from all over the country. He is a maestro in conversing with diverse…
Overcoming challenges of weight and social anxiety, Iftekhar Rafsan, a former gamer turned successful…
The world around us is built in a way that serves the majority. That means that any individual different than the average, such a person with disabilities, faces…
In his TEDx talk, Arnob unfolds the chapters of his life before he became the recognizable figure he is today, shaped by cultural diversity and personal growth...
Imtiaz Ilahi shares an evocative and astounding journey, from encountering a life-changing parachute accident to becoming an Ironman triathlete. He vividly recounts…
Ritu Raj has incredible control over the tunes and resonance of the musical pieces he performs, enabling him to deliver an astounding classical performance…
Innovation Enabling Social Change
“We need to raise awareness of the urgent need to collect, documenting and preserving age-old weaving techniques, contribute to the preservation of crafts and create the…
“Write down something absolutely incredible that we did, our determinations, our achievements in small pieces of papers and put them all in a box. This box is our very…
“Success in my family has always been about being happy and moving forward. It is state of acceptance and fulfillment. The day we can accept and respect Each…
“I wasn’t known for the blind girl with the heart disease anymore- I was Known for being my children’s mother and over 2000 personalized events that I curated and…
“Democracies are the best system of governance of which we are aware. But the same style of democracy will not provide the same results in every environment. If we…
Not many people aspire to leave their comfort zone of high achieving corporate jobs to follow their own aspirations. It takes a lot of courage for someone who follows their…
“The gig economy is playing an important role in Bangladesh addressing socio economic problems related to unemployment and underemployment, especially…
“I am convinced that study abroad should be mandatory for graduation and that Bangladesh is a great place to come for that purpose. Bangladesh is a great place to come to…
“Successful individuals believe that nothing is impossible and think about how things can be done. never ever think small, never look at yourself in a molecular manner…
“We have found innovation to be a bottom-up process. It really needs to start by understanding the pains of the citizens, going to that empathy. So, the combination of…
“Social change often does not require large and elaborate programs, a small encouragement, a small honest and passionate mentoring can be effective as well…
“In the public universities in Bangladesh, until recently research was not very widespread. Bangladesh has always been a place of innovation – even if we don’t think of it…
“The old home which is neglected, we youths will prioritize to be funded and we all will participate in building such shelters for the sake of humanity. This industry needs…